operating a side business in travel.

developing a broad range of fundamental business skills through creATING external fundraising events for charities WITHin THE student sector.

Dash to Dubrovnik, Business Management, (Side Business) Mar 2020 - Aug 2024


accounts / finance


risk mitigation

marketing / sales

customer support

brand building

content creation

What is Dash?

‘Dash to Dubrovnik’ is the ultimate student road trip.

A charity fundraising challenge which sees students team up, buy cars for less than £500, and drive in a guided convoy of ~100 other students to Croatia.

Alongside accessibility enhancing guides for all elements of trip preparation participants are provided; the route via a highly informative digital guide, the accommodation for 8 nights and trained leaders on the trip to ensure the operation is safe, well organized and fun for everyone involved.


Yr 1 - (2016) Paying participant on trip
Yr 2,3 - Lead Trip Guide + promotion and operations improvements
Yr 4 - Promotion / coronavirus cancellation
Yr 5,6,7 - (2020) Co-running the Business inc Operations & Finance lead (under investment from existing owners Amaquella Ltd)
Yr 8 - Operations & Finance lead (merged with Endeavours Adventures Ltd)
Yr 9 - (2024) Exit / Low involvement level during handover

A passion for road trips and fixing old cars, became an annual role as a trip leader, before going on to co-run the business with a partner, in a 3 year take-over deal, with the existing owners as investors and mentors. Initially based at Loughborough University, we went on to set up partnerships at Exeter, Warwick, Swansea and Bristol.

Eventually choosing to merge Amaquella’s sole event with rival company ‘Endeavours Adventures’ portfolio of trips meant potential for huge growth and more opportunities or simply a more beneficial exit strategy, which after one more year became a priority for greater focus on full time career opportunities and personal development. 

Post exit, Q3 of 2024 is a period of handover work before the 2025 trip promotional period commences with a new team at EA, with some continued low level mentoring throughout the year.


Accounts and Finance 
Book keeping, financial planning, price structures, cash flow and budget management 

Business Management
Project management, admin, insurance

Strategy planning, content editing, social media management  

Promotion and Sales
In-person promotion, sales presentations

Customer Support
General customer service, informative support content  

Pre-Trip Operations
Supplier negotiations, bookings management, route planning 

Safety Management
Risk mitigation, preparation guidance, trip briefings and culture 

On-Trip Operations
Trip leader training, trip leading, incident support 


During the last 4 years (3 trips) in management as operations lead: 

  • 280 passengers taken to Dubrovnik, Croatia

  • Safety Record: 0 major incidents 

  • Maintained Participant numbers during cost of living crisis 

  • Achieved financial stability during coronavirus

  • New University Partners: 4

  • Merger with rival to allow growth / easier personal exit from business.


With a background in product / graphic design, and a passion for brand identity work, Dash was the perfect opportunity to begin understanding the market and brand building in the right direction. The core message was about accessibility and inclusivity to maximise the potential market size. It couldn’t be too masculine and it had to entice those who aren’t experts with cars.

You will note particularly from the videos at the top of the @dashtodubrovnik Instagram account, that the language and style used is highly selective in targeting the full audience.


Big Jigs Toys


Loughborough University